Marketing is a business strategy that conveys the value of a product/service to a potential consumer. It provides leverage for interpersonal and symbiotic relationships. It creates an organizational structure for to guide them on the flow of sales and product work hand in hand at the same time.
Marketing has been long around since man knew how to trade goods. Traditional marketing was called production and consisted of overproduction of goods or service. A product orientation can be applied when the product is in high demand, given that there are no predictions that the consumer might change his/her perception towards the product.
Traditional marketing today has evolved into holistic marketing. Holistic marketing is complex and marks everything as important. One recent form of marketing involves social media. Social media makes it convenient because most people have access to the internet. Here are the differences between traditional and social media marketing.
Approach and Presentation
In traditional marketing, inviting a person for product presentations is the best way to gain potential clients. Some do it randomly and distribute flyers to spread information and invite them at the same time. It requires time and effort to gain a lot of invites. But this also gives the benefit of using non-verbal cues to convince people to try your product.
Types of Marketing:
Social media marketing makes use of visuals as product presentations in social networking sites. A simple picture depicting how a product works will already entice future customers. You can just tag the picture with a caption to all people you’re connected with in a social networking site. This saves time and effort, also spreading the product presentation to a larger group of people.
Client Referrals
Traditional marketing makes use of calling cards and word by mouth as a form of client referral. It may also vary on how you expand your circle of friends and acquaintances. Client referrals in social media marketing cover the people you will eventually meet. Using the Facebook feature of tagging and sending links, you can already achieve the referral and not rely on other people.
The Effort Of Recruiting
In traditional marketing, recruiting regular clients takes a lot of work. You have to build a good relationship to earn their trust. In social media, it also takes a lot of work since you do not encounter your client on a daily basis.
Traditonal marketing is still practiced today. Some go to the extent of mixing both traditional and social media, which yield them great results. Weighing these benefits and risks, choose a marketing strategy that caters to your time and priority.